SMB Digital Marketing
SMB Digital Marketing Online marketing for small or medium business can be a very frustrating endeavor if you do not know how to approach it. On top of the many hats you wear, you have to add quite a few more - those of a webmaster, web designer, copywriter and online marketer, to name just some of them. What is SMB digital marketing? SMB in marketing stands for small to medium business. In Europe, the term used is SME - small to medium enterprise. Digital marketing is made of all the online points of contact that a business has with its potential customers on the Internet - from a website to paid advertising, email marketing and customer relationship management. Creating a website is usually the first step. However, it helps a lot if that website has some pre-defined specific goals, such as how it is going to acquire leads and generate traffic. A successful SMB digital marketing campaign can be compared to a well oiled machine, where the many little parts and gears hav...